Donate Now

Please donate now.

Your donation will make a vital difference to the comfort and well-being of hospice patients at a critical time. Your gift will help provide:

  • Rent, mortgage, and utility payments so patients can remain in the safety of their home.
  • Tablets and phones to ensure patients can connect to friends and family remotely.
  • Transportation to keep patients connected to family members.
  • Life-affirming wishes, such as a meal from a favorite restaurant or a visit to a favorite location, to let patients know that they still matter and haven’t been forgotten.

We receive no state or federal funding and simply can’t provide these essential comforts without your help. Please consider making a donation so as many people as possible receive these services at this crucial time. A gift of any size will make an enormous difference.

Recipient of a Hospice Help Foundation grant, thanks to our wonderful donors

To make a donation to the Foundation over the phone using a credit card, call 603-766-0444.

To make a donation by check, mail to:

Hospice Help Foundation
400 Little Harbor Road, #1105
Portsmouth, NH 03801

Attn: Marsha Filion

Hospice Help Foundation is a 501(c)3 charity and our Tax ID is 47-3787943. As a not-for-profit organization, we rely on your support to accomplish our mission.

Thank you! Your donation helps to make your community a better place to live and a more caring and compassionate place to die.